6 Ways B2B Companies Are Using Videos To Drive Sales In 2020

by KEN

Video marketing is taking the business world by storm. In fact, it’s become one of the top marketing strategies for B2B companies. According to a Heinz Marketing Report, over 98% of businesses say that video marketing has become a core component of their sales strategy.

And to put more data into perspective, over 95% of video marketers who plan to continue using video marketing will increase their spend on this strategy soon.

But just making videos isn’t enough. You have to make sure they’re funny, relatable, and most importantly, engaging. HootSuite pulled off a terrific move before releasing its new dashboard design, where they berated their own release and later announced the new features via the launch. This is one strategy.

But if you’re serious about mastering the art of video marketing to drive sales in 2020 and beyond, we’ll let you in on a secret – it’s often the simplest things that make the biggest difference. And the marketers who don’t see their sales blowing up miss these.

So here you go, the top 6 ways to use video content and marketing to drive sales for your business. Try them out and see for yourself.

1. Create More YouTube Content

If your brand doesn’t already have a YouTube Channel, you’re missing out on the benefits of video marketing. YouTube is a platform where over 2 billion users are engaged and logged into on a monthly basis. B2B companies that focus on their YouTube content create actionable guides, tutorials, tips and tricks, and informative content for their viewers.

They answer common questions and make videos about what’s going on in the industry. For example, if you’re a food and nutrition company, you want to make more videos on counting macros, ingredients to watch out for when buying organic food products, etc. Make your content revolve around your products and try to be helpful to your viewers.

Don’t just make content that pushes sales. Keep a ratio of 20% promos and 80% informational videos. That’s key to being relevant, genuine, and not pushy in the video marketing world of YouTube.

2. Put Up Instagram Vlogs For Your Brand

Your customers want a behind-the-scenes look into what you’re doing very often. If you’re trying to connect and be human, it’s a good idea to make vlogs for your Instagram account. You could take advantage of Instagram Reels or make funny Tiktok videos like social media influencers.

And if you’re trying to promote what you’re doing, get people to talk about you by interacting with them on the platform. A good tactic is to make ‘response videos’ and ‘critique videos’ where you respond to other content creators and tell them what you think about their products/services. Critique videos involve breaking down and giving a review of their content. Doing these kinds of videos will boost your views and get your content noticed by Google.

3. Make Demo Videos For Products

Demo videos for products involve showcasing them from various angles. The content in these videos reveals how they work and show their benefits. You can incorporate product demos in your content marketing strategy.

Put them up in different parts of the website and promote on social media platforms to get results. If you’re planning to send product recommendations to customers and help them convert, be sure you send them videos listing the features and benefits they are looking for.

Make it relevant to their requirements. Oh, and if you throw in a discount coupon or discount near the end, they’ll absolutely love you for it.

4. Use A Good Video Editor

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a video marketing strategy but its backbone rather. A good video is nicely edited and includes timestamps. There’s also the content you have to worry about. If you’re posting your videos raw without editing them, nobody is going to watch them!

You don’t need to invest in expensive software or equipment. Just a good camera, microphone, and a free video editing software like Hippo is enough to get you started. And did we forget to mention that it’s got all the features you need to make those videos for sales and more views? Yes!

5. Try Whiteboard Videos And Customer Testimonials

User-generated content seems to be doing fantastic these days. If you’ve got something to share with the world, let your clients speak out for you!

Leverage customer testimonials and reviews for your video content. Include short clips or snippets of how you helped them and what they thought about your services.

Animated whiteboard videos are also being used to promote content these days. If you can add illustrations or sketches into your videos, it’d be a solid marketing strategy for your B2B sales. It’s been proven time and again that animated content generates more ROI than static content or just printed text. You can include these testimonials on your website or blog posts. Share them through other social media channels like Facebook and Twitter as well.

6. Make Unboxing Videos And Short Skits

Unboxing videos are the rage these days. You’ll find many brands making short 30-second clips or trailers below 2 minutes. That’s the sweet spot you want to be going for.

You could also make short and funny skits using characters or fictional elements. Show these characters using your services or products and how it’s changing their life. You can also subtly mention your referral programs in these videos to get them curious and sign up.

It’s not cringe, it’s effective. Trust us.


The trick to using videos for your sales strategy is to make them funny and worthy enough to watch. Don’t forget to pay attention to your thumbnails and put in a bit of effort before making them. We suggest writing up a script and planning the content for your videos before getting to work. And when you’re recording your videos, use good lighting and sound.
Those are the basics, and these are the strategies. Put them to good use, and you’ll see results soon enough!

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