How Do I Convert an MOV File to MP4 on macOS

MOV File to MP4

The stock video player on macOS is QuickTime, plus it’s one of the least popular apps that Apple has developed. Such said, up until Sierra, it had one saving grace; it could convert a MOV File to MP4 file. Such feature is gone now, so if you are running a macOS version that is Sierra or later, you don’t have a simple way to convert a MOV File to MP4. You’re going to have to use iMovie. This comes pre-installed on most recent macOS versions, so you should already have it on your system. Unluckily, it isn’t elementary to use so much so that it might be enough to send you looking for an alternative. Hither’s how you can use iMovie to convert a MOV File to MP4.

Convert MOV File to MP4

Start iMovie and create a new project. Well, Add the MOV file to the project’s library by dragging and dropping it on to the My Media area. Just added, drag and drop it onto the timeline. This is all you require to do.

MOV File to MP4

The File can now be exported as an MP4 file. Go to File>Share>File.

MOV File to MP4

In this panel that opens, select a resolution and quality for the video. Well, Do not choose ProRes because you’ll end up with a MOV file again. So, All other attributes will give you an MP4 file. Tap Next and give your File a name and save it wherever you like.

MOV File to MP4

This process isn’t complicated, but iMovie is hardly intuitive to use. That feature lets you convert a file to an MP4 file hidden under a ‘Share’ option. You wouldn’t expect to find a save feature there.

Using online applications, MOV files can be converted, but if you explore the export option, you can freely adjust the quality and pick any resolution you want. You get an estimation of the size of the output file, and it will adapt to match your set standard. If you need the File to be less than a specific size, it’s convenient. As for the ‘Compress’ option, whatever you want, you can choose. The format won’t be updated. 

The built-in screen recording utility on macOS saves the recordings as MOV files that you need to convert MOV File to MP4 files precisely. As widely supported as MP4 files, MOV files are not. 

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They don’t even come close. Additionally, these files tend to be larger, and if you have a size limit to be careful about, the MOV file can be a problem.

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